How to make artificial water in a glass vase to display silk flowers

Channels / Arts and Crafts Tutorials

Things to gather:
- Epoxy resin:
- Glass mixing jug:
- Isopropyl alcohol for clean up:
- Hot glue gun:
- Old rugs for clean up
- Stick for stirring solution once mixed
- Warm water
- Newspaper to keep working surface clean.
- Artificial flowers/foliage
- Glass vase to suit

I knew if I hunted long enough, I would find a product that gave the illusion of water in a vase to create that ‘real look’ when designing with silk or artificial flowers and foliage. Today I've got a great idea for how to make fake water for silk flower arrangements!

You can buy Quick Water or Crystal Water but it isn’t always available. I found a 2-part mix called deep pour resin and it works a treat.

1. If you need to cut stems of artificial’s, place a spot of hot glue on the stem ends to seal. This will stop rust leaching into the resin.
2. Warm the mixing jug and glass vase before starting. This stopped any bubbles in the resin.

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